Author: webfoot-umc

Vacation Bible School 2024

Register by May 19th
Please fill out a new form for each child participating in VBS.  Register by May 19th to guarantee that your child will receive a FREE t-shirt.

VBS will be Sunday, June 2nd – Thursday, June 6th from 6:00-8:00 pm.

Vacation Bible School is for ages 3 through those students that have just completed 5th grade.


VBS MISSION PROJECT — Manteno UMC Grocery Distribution Project – start collecting boxes of cereal, pasta sauce, pasta, cans of soup, mac & cheese, granola bars, fruit snacks, breakfast bars, and any other kid-friendly non-perishable foods!

***TENTATIVELY — There will be a short program on Thursday, June 6th at 7:45 in the garden on the east side of the church for all students and their families.

2024 Winter Parent Night Out

Join us for a fun Parents Night Out for ages preK – 6th grade students on Friday, January 19th from 6:00-8:00 PM.

We will serve hot dogs, chips, and fruit for dinner. Dress for mess~we will get messy!

There is no cost for this program. Please bring an item for the Blessings Box that can survive the cold temperatures, cereal, granola bars, pop tarts, mac & cheese, rice a roni, soup packets, ramen, peanut butter, etc. 
PLEASE REGISTER BY MONDAY, JAN 15THlate registrations will not be taken.

Manteno UMC Thursday After School Club

The Manteno UMC will be hosting a weekly after school club beginning on Thursday, Jan. 11th from 3:00-4:30 for grades 5th-8th grade. Feel free to walk to the church after school on Thursday. We will have snacks, homework help, games, sports, and activities planned.

Students must have parent permission to participate.

Welcome Message

Dear Manteno UMC friends,

I’ve had many great opportunities to get to know people at the Meet and Greets. If you missed them, don’t worry…we’ll have more. I really want to get to know all of you.

Several common themes came out of the “Meet and Greet” gatherings when I asked you what your hopes and dreams for the church are.

1) We love how friendly Manteno UMC is.

2) We like one worship service so we all see each other.

3) We want to grow. We want missing people to come back, and we want more young people to come.

People also shared sadness and frustration how COVID has taken people and momentum out of how Manteno UMC was in the past. We know that it is difficult to get back into the rhythm of coming to church, and some still do not feel safe returning. Young people don’t always find church appealing or relevant. Some attendees also asked about the process for the larger UMC to move forward in our divisions over human sexuality. We won’t have clarity until the 2026 General Conference, and even then, it will take time for each conference and church to decide how to respond.

As one member said, we won’t ever be the same again. She is right. The church won’t be the same, and we can’t get the past back. There is much to grieve, and it is okay to grieve. Some things are better left in the past, and we do not want to resurrect them.

The best thing we can do is lift up our eyes to God and move forward in faith as the church. We still worship and praise God together. We still pray and care for each other. We study the Bible and religious books. We do service projects and fellowship together. We laugh and cry and hug. Some things we can try again, like Sunday School for kids and fellowship time with coffee and food after church. We can keep trying to find ways to do things better and differently, especially to be relevant to young people. But most importantly, we must keep loving each other, serving those who are hurting and looking for people who need to be invited to experience God’s love with us.

To those who still prefer to watch worship online, live or later, God bless you for sticking with us. You make a very conscious decision to stay connected with the church online, and we’ll try to stay connected with you too. Let us know how we can better connect with you. Please say hi and share your prayers with us during worship.

Invite old friends back. Invite new friends and neighbors. Invite family! Invite those who have given up on church. Invite total strangers! Call and write to others who are isolated and lonely and may need a caring friend. People all need the church to be the arms of God’s love and the feet going to serve those in need.

We as the Manteno UMC, far and near, must keep being the arms and feet, the grace and love of Christ to a hurting world that needs him. We are called to keep reaching out in that spirit, whether in the sanctuary on Sunday morning or out in the community the rest of the week. God bless you all.

July 4th Worship Service – 10am

Manteno United Methodist Church Worship Service
Sunday, July 4, 2021 10:00 A.M.

  • Gathering for Worship “Open Up the Heavens”
  • Announcements
  • Opening Prayer
  • Children’s Time
  • Scripture Lesson: Mark 6:1-13 , pg. 711
  • Song of Celebration “Trust In You”
  • Our Concerns and Joys
  • A Time of Silent Prayer/The Pastoral Prayer/
  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • The Offering “He Is Exalted”
  • The Offertory Prayer
  • Scripture Lesson: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10, pg. 822
  • Sermon: “Normal Is Not in the Bible!”
  • The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper “Refiner’s Fire”
  • Confession and Pardon, #8
  • Song of Worship: “Glorious”
  • The Benediction
  • Participants:
    • Pastor: Joy Schlesselman
    • Praise Band
    • Liturgist: Sue Ross
    • Child Care: Megan Pilbeam

Tuesday, July 6: Come and help decorate for VBS at 6 p.m.

Wednesday, July 7: Men’s Bible Study at 5:30 p.m.

July 11-15: Join us for Vacation Bible School. Volunteers are needed.

Friday, July 30: Slammers Baseball game in Joliet, sign up in the narthex to attend this game and fireworks. Tickets are $10.

The Summer Food Program could use the following items: Lg. boxes of cereal, peanut butter, jelly, and any Chef Boyardee items. These items can be placed on the tables in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your help!


Donation link for recurring donations:

Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! If you are new today, please register on our web site and we will make a $5. donation to a charity of your choice. The Church office is open Tues. & Thurs. mornings, 815-468-3722. You may contact Rev. Joy Schlesselman at 309-256-1316 or Email:
You may also find us on facebook.

The Manteno United Methodist Church Is a community of believers, who, as disciples of Jesus Christ, will:
Reach up to know God through worship and study.
Reach in to develop our strengths to serve God in the community and the larger world.
And Reach out to others in Christian fellowship.

July 4th Worship Service – 8:30am

Manteno United Methodist Church Worship Service
Sunday, July 4, 2021 8:30 A.M.

  • Prelude
  • Announcements
  • Opening Prayer:
  • Opening Hymn: “America the Beautiful” #696
  • Scripture: Mark 6:1-13, pg. 711
  • Our Concerns and Joys
  • A Time of Silent Prayer/The Pastoral Prayer/
  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Hymn: “This Is My Song” #437
  • The Offering/Offertory
  • The Doxology No. 95
  • The Offertory Prayer
  • Scripture Lesson: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10, pg 822.
  • Sermon: “Normal Is Not in the Bible!”
  • The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
  • Confession and Pardon, #8
  • *Closing Hymn: “The Voice of God Is Calling” #436
  • Closing Prayer:
  • The Benediction
  • Benediction Response: “Let There Be Peace on Earth”, #431
  • Participants:
    • Pastor: Joy Schlesselman
    • Organist: Sandra Lutz
    • Liturgist: Mike Schram

Please stand if able.

Tuesday, July 6: Come and help us decorate for VBS at 6 p.m.

Wednesday, July 7: Men’s Bible Study at 5:30 p.m.

July 11-15: Join us for Vacation Bible School. Volunteers are needed. The Summer Food Program could use the following items: Lg. boxes of cereal, peanut butter, jelly, and any Chef Boyardee items. These items can be placed on the tables in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your help!

Friday, July 30: Slammers Baseball game in Joliet, sign up in the narthex to attend this game and fireworks. Tickets are $10.

Donation link for recurring donations:

Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! If you are new today, please register on our web site and we will make a $5. donation to a charity of your choice. The Church office is open Tues. & Thurs. mornings, 815-468-3722. You may contact Rev. Joy Schlesselman at 309-256-1316 or Email:
You may also find us on facebook.

The Manteno United Methodist Church Is a community of believers, who, as disciples of Jesus Christ, will:
Reach up to know God through worship and study.
Reach in to develop our strengths to serve God in the community and the larger world.
And Reach out to others in Christian fellowship.

The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark and the use is supervised by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church. Permission to use the Cross and Flame must be obtained from the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church: