Manteno United Methodist Church Worship Service
Palm/Passion Sunday, March 28, 2021 10 A.M.
Pastor Joy Schlesselman
Organist: Sandra Lutz
Praise Band:
Children’s Time Bev Peck
Holy Week Devotions, Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m.
Monday, March 29: Bible Study, 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Wednesday, March 31: No Book Study
Men’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
Maundy Thursday Service, April 1: 7 p.m. in sanctuary.
Good Friday Service at Asbury UMC (196 S. Harrison, Kankakee), April 2, 7 p.m.
Next Sunday, April 4: Easter Services, 8:30 and 10:00 (Second service will be on Facebook), Communion will be served at both services. If watching on Facebook, have your bread and juice ready.
Sunday, April 18: Rice packing, following the 10:00 a.m. service in the fellowship hall. This is hosted by Midwest Mission Distribution Center. Only 50 participants max will be allowed. Sign up on the church web page to reserve your place.
Donation link for recurring donations:
Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! If you are new today, please register on our web site and we will make a $5. donation to a charity of your choice. The Church office hours Tues. & Thurs. mornings, 815-468-3722. You may contact Rev. Joy Schlesselman at 309-256-1316 or Email:
The church web site:
You may also find us on facebook and Twitter.
The Manteno United Methodist Church
255 W. Second St., Manteno, IL 60950
My own wilderness experiences and God’s providential care have resulted in an undeniable pattern of goodness in my life. Yet, I sometimes allow an amnesia of grace to affect my testimony adversely. Pain, disillusionment, and fear exist. Struggles and hardships can seem more real than joy. But through it all, our faithful, loving, and powerful God cares and provides for us.
Dear God, bless me with a memory and a conviction of your presence and deliverance in my life that is stronger than the memories of my anxieties. I can tell the story today because your power is real in my life. Amen.
Sharon G. Austin