Manteno United Methodist Church Worship Service
Sunday, April 25, 2021 10 A.M
- Prelude
- Opening Prayer
- Worship Song: “Old Church Choir”
- Children’s Time
- Scripture Lesson: John 10:11-18, pg. 759-760
- Our Concerns and Joys
- A Time of Silent Prayer/The Pastoral Prayer/
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Worship Song: “Joy”
- The Offering
- The Doxology No. 95
- The Offertory Prayer
- Scripture Lesson: Psalm 23, pg. 392
- Sermon: “The Lord Is My Tour Guide”
- Announcements
- Closing Hymn “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” #138,vs 4,5,6
- The Benediction
- Benediction Response “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want”, #136, vs. 1,3
- Postlude
- Participants:
- Pastor Joy Schlesselman
- Organist: Sandra Lutz
- Praise Band:
- Liturgist: Gordy Hamann
- Monday, April 26: Bible Study, 7 p.m. in person.
- Wednesday, April 28: Book Study at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Men’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. on Zoom.
- Friday, April 30: District United Methodist Women meeting onZoom. If you would like to take part in this meeting you can get
the Zoom address from Denise Caparula.
- May 2 Communion Sunday: Teacher appreciation. Dedication of the pavers in the garden following the worship service.
Vermilion River District United Methodist Men are having a fund raiser at Monical’s Pizza on Tuesday May 4th. There are flyers
on the table in the narthex you can present at the time you place your order and 20% of your bill will go to UMM.
Donation link for recurring donations:
Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! If you are new today, please register on our web site and we will make a
$5. donation to a charity of your choice. The Church office is open Tues. & Thurs. mornings, 815-468-3722. You may
contact Rev. Joy Schlesselman at 309-256-1316 or Email:
The Manteno United Methodist Church Is a community of believers, who, as disciples of Jesus
Christ, will: Reach up to know God through worship and study. Reach in to develop our strengths to serve God in the
community and the larger world. And Reach out to others in Christian fellowship.